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Yemaya Mystic Cologne

Yemaya Mystic Cologne


Yemaya Mystic Cologne

By: Crusellas

7.5 oz Bottle


Immerse yourself in the nurturing embrace of Yemaya, the revered Orisha of the sea and motherhood, with our Mystic Cologne. Crafted with reverence and intention, this fragrance invites you to connect with her energy of serenity, love, and abundance.


Embrace Serenity: Yemaya is known for her soothing and protective presence. Our Mystic Cologne carries her tranquil energy, helping you find inner peace and navigate life's challenges with grace.


Abundance and Love: Wear this cologne as a symbol of your connection to Yemaya's abundant love. Let it remind you to embrace self-love and attract positive relationships and opportunities.


Rituals of Connection: Incorporate Yemaya Mystic Cologne into your daily rituals and ceremonies. Whether you seek serenity, love, or simply wish to honor her presence, this cologne adds a touch of mysticism to your intentions.


Elevate your spiritual journey and embrace the serene and abundant energy of Yemaya. Allow this mystic cologne to guide you through life's waves, providing you with serenity, love, and boundless blessings. Order now and dive into the mystical waters of Yemaya today!