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Orisha Scented Candles/Velas De Santos

Orisha Scented Candles/Velas De Santos


Orisha Scented Candles/Velas De Santos

Approx. 8” Inches Tall


Introducing our exquisite Orisha Scented Candles, a divine fusion of artistry and spirituality. Each candle pays homage to the sacred energies of Elegua, Ogun, Obatala, Oshun, Yemaya, Shango, Orula, and Oya, igniting your spiritual journey with their presence.


Crafted with devotion, these candles feature stunning artwork of the respective Orisha, capturing their essence and grace.


Infused with meticulously chosen herbs and oils, every candle resonates with the unique spirit of the Orisha it represents, ensuring a powerful connection to their energies.


These candles burn brightly for 5-6 days, allowing you to immerse yourself in their mystical aura and channel their blessings into your life.


Ignite the divine within with our Orisha Scented Candles and let the ancient wisdom of the Orisha guide your path. Elevate your spiritual practice and bring their blessings into your world today.